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5 Steps to Data Unification to Support Customer Experience

5 Steps to Data Unification to Support Customer Experience

The process of unifying data has been proven to enhance the customer experience.  Customers increasingly expect instant, real-time responses to their questions and self-service options available on their chosen communication method and from any device. Connected...

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Why Your CRM Is Damaging Your Business

Why Your CRM Is Damaging Your Business

Take a look as Unify Data Consultancy reviews ways that CRM deployments can cause damage without the proper structure established. Why do nearly 65% of all CRM implementations fail? Lacking a CRM strategy Unorganised objectives Scope creep—staying focused on early...

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Travel Industry Poised to Benefit from Web 3.0 & Blockchain

Travel Industry Poised to Benefit from Web 3.0 & Blockchain

Unify Data Consultancy explores how Web 3.0 and Blockchain will improve traveller experiences in 2023.   You’ve no doubt read about 2022’s cryptocurrency markets in turmoil, and so it’s easy to question the long-term value of many blockchain and Web 3.0 projects....

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