Salesforce is a powerful tool for managing customer relationships. However, like any other complex system, it requires maintenance to make sure it’s performing optimally. Just like a regular medical checkup, a Salesforce Org Health-check Assessment is a comprehensive review of your system’s overall health. In this article, we will explore ten signs that indicate your Salesforce Org needs one.


What is a Salesforce Health Check Assessment?

There are many Salesforce products available on the market, offering a range of tools and features. With Salesforce’s AI-driven insights and seamless integration across sales, service, and marketing, businesses can work smarter, increase efficiency, and deliver the personalised experiences that customers now expect. Whether you’re using Sales Cloud, Service Cloud or Marketing Cloud, you need to evaluate the system every once in a while to make sure it’s functioning optimally.  


This is where the Salesforce Health Check Assessment comes into play. To put it simply, the assessment is a review of your current system, it identifies performance issues, underutilised features, data quality issues and much more. The end result? A programme roadmap for delivering any identified opportunities to maximise your return on investment.


10 Signs Your Salesforce Org Needs a Health Check Assessment

If you’re unsure if you’re getting the most out of your Salesforce Org, we have compiled a list of the top 10 signs to identify the right time to get a Salesforce Health Check Assessment:

1. Performance Issues

Experiencing slow load times or frequent system crashes can drastically reduce productivity and frustrate users. In fact, a study found that a 100-millisecond delay in website load time can reduce conversion rates by 7%. The same principle applies to your Salesforce platform—when performance issues occur, you risk losing valuable time and business. A Health Check Assessment can identify the causes of slow performance and provide solutions to ensure your system runs smoothly.


2. Low User Adoption

Low user engagement is a red flag that your Salesforce system isn’t meeting the needs of your team. According to research, CRM implementations fail up to 50% of the time due to low user CRM adoption. This is often caused by poor user training or overly complex system configurations. If your employees aren’t using Salesforce to its full potential, your investment is going to waste. A Health Check Assessment can reveal the root causes of low adoption and offer strategies to improve engagement.


3. Data Quality Issues

Poor data quality can cripple your decision-making processes. Research found that 47% of newly created data records have at least one critical error. Missing, incomplete, or inaccurate data leads to faulty analytics and misinformed business decisions. A Salesforce Health Check Assessment will examine your data quality, helping you implement best practices to maintain clean, accurate, and reliable data.


4. Security Concerns

In today’s business environment, data breaches and unauthorised access can have devastating consequences. According to recent studies, the average cost of a data breach in 2023 was $4.45 million. If your Salesforce system has gaps in user permissions or vulnerabilities that allow unauthorised access, your sensitive business data is at risk. A Health Check Assessment will identify and address security vulnerabilities, ensuring your system complies with data protection regulations.


5. High Maintenance Costs

If you’re spending more on maintaining your Salesforce system than on driving business growth, it’s a sign that something is wrong. Salesforce’s flexibility can lead to over-customisation, which often results in high maintenance costs. Companies can actually save up to 40% on maintenance costs by optimising their CRM systems. A Health Check Assessment can uncover areas where your system is over-engineered and help streamline your operations, saving time and money.


6. Underutilised Features

Salesforce offers an extensive range of tools designed to improve productivity and streamline business processes, but many organisations fail to take full advantage of them. A recent Salesforce report found that 43% of CRM features go unused. If your team is not leveraging key features like automation or analytics, you’re missing out on opportunities to enhance efficiency. A Health Check Assessment will help you identify and unlock underutilised features to drive business growth.


7. Broken Features

Having broken or outdated features in your Salesforce system can frustrate both users and customers. Studies show that 67% of customers will abandon a website within seconds if they encounter something that doesn’t work. The same frustration occurs when internal systems like Salesforce have broken features that slow down processes. A Health Check Assessment will identify non-functioning or outdated features and offer recommendations to get them back on track, preventing operational disruption.


8. Manual Workarounds

Overreliance on manual workarounds is a clear sign that your Salesforce system isn’t operating efficiently. A study revealed that companies who embrace automation see a 30% reduction in operational costs. If your team is frequently using external tools or manual processes to accomplish tasks that should be automated, it’s time to reassess your system’s capabilities. A Health Check Assessment can identify opportunities for automation, saving time and reducing human error.


9. Complex Customisations

Overly complex or ineffective customisations can complicate your Salesforce system and lead to poor performance. It has been reported that 75% of CRM implementation failures are due to excessive complexity. Customisations that don’t align with your business goals or aren’t functioning as expected can hinder productivity. A Health Check Assessment will evaluate your system’s customisations and ensure they are effective and aligned with your business objectives.


10. Lack of Direction

Without a clear strategy for managing and improving your Salesforce system, your organisation is likely missing out on growth opportunities. According to Salesforce, 79% of top-performing companies have a long-term CRM strategy in place. If your Salesforce org lacks a roadmap for future enhancements, you risk falling behind competitors who are continually optimising their systems. A Health Check Assessment will provide you with a strategic plan to ensure your Salesforce platform supports your long-term goals.


Identifying and addressing these issues early is critical for the long-term success of your Salesforce platform. Neglecting these signs can lead to higher costs, lower productivity, and missed business opportunities. Conducting a Salesforce Health Check Assessment ensures that your system is running at peak efficiency, helping you drive revenue, reduce operational costs, and stay competitive in your industry.

Read more on the benefits of conducting a Salesforce Health Check Assessment.

By proactively addressing these challenges, you can secure the full value of your Salesforce investment and ensure sustained business growth.


Salesforce for Your Organisation

Nobody knows your organisation better than you do. And although the benefits of using Salesforce CRM are extensive, investing in new systems and services takes a lot of consideration. We’re Unify, a global Salesforce Agency, that works closely with ambitious, customer-centric organisations worldwide. We offer expert advice to drive digital transformation, optimise customer experiences, and achieve operational excellence.


For a detailed consultation and to learn how Salesforce can benefit your organisation, contact Unify Data & Analytics today.

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